Hey guys, time for another backer highlight. This week’s submission is a traditional tailcoat from big-time backer and Discord regular Ellidas. Not just the stuff of Steampunk fiction, this elegant coat is perfect for keeping you warm on a foggy night, or to impress your trade partners from the next settlement over with your sharp…
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Hey guys, It’s time for another backer update! This week’s submission comes from a backer who requested an Altyn helmet made of rock beetle carapaces. Rock beetles have tough hides and wearing one can certainly protect your noggin from scrapes and bumps, plus they’re easier to get your hands on than proper military helmets. Just…
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Hey guys, Today we’re looking into the art of pointing a gun at people. Contrary to popular opinion, hitting someone with a projectile several hundred meters out is far more complicated than simply pointing a cross-hair at them. Spotting the Target It’s hard to hit what you can’t see. The first step is to spot…
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Hey guys, In this week’s backer update we have a hat submitted by my good friend Dylan, who supported us during the Kickstarter. His submission is a bit more culinary oriented, coming in the form of a large hotdog hat you can wear overtop your other headwear. Doesn’t that just look delicious? Unfortunately all the…
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Hey guys, It’s time for another backer outfit. Today’s submission is something for all you survivalists out there, featuring everyone’s favourite food source: With this cosy shawl you’ll be well-protected from the elements as you stalk the mountainous wilderness for fresh soup ingredients. If you have your own ideas for utilizing nature’s bounty in inventive…
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Hey guys, This week we’re taking a look at another backer-designed outfit and hat submission, courtesy of big-time backer and Discord regular McBlorf. The Redcoats are coming The outfit is based partly on a reference from another game, combined with an 18th Century British redcoat. Given that Ascent of Ashes is set in the distant…
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Hey guys, As we continue putting the gameplay mechanics for Ascent of Ashes into place, we’re now able to start working on some of your backer design submissions. In our previous dev log we talked about the apparel system and how it works, since then many of you who supported us with pledges on the…
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Hey guys, it’s been a few months since our Kickstarter concluded and thanks to all the support you’ve provided us we’ve been able to work full-time and make great progress towards AoA’s first playable build. As our community continues to grow, more and more people find out about us every day. Many of you who…
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Hey guys. It’s time for another dev log. Usually I use these to give you an overview of the progress made over the last two weeks. This time I’d like to do something a bit different and take a deep dive into one aspect of the game in particular. One of our major goals for…
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Hey guys, today marks a major milestone for Ascent of Ashes, as we officially unveil our Steam page, complete with a shiny new reveal trailer! Check it out if you haven’t already, and if you’re as excited as we are make sure to wishlist the game, since it shows your support and helps us get…
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