New look, new update

New look, new update

Hey guys,

as you may remember from our last post we’ve been working on an overhaul to our official website. And as you probably noticed, the changes are now finally live. It took a lot of elbow grease but the results speak for themselves. That said we haven’t had a whole lot of time to test the new design, so if you find anything odd or out of place, let us know! We’ll probably continue to tinker with things for a while still, so stay tuned.

The overhaul to our website isn’t the only thing we’ve been working on over the last week of course. We’ve been busily putting together new assets and mechanics to showcase in this week’s Kickstarter update!

In fact, Kickstarter progress has been exceptionally well this past week, thanks to all of you spreading the word about our project across the internet. So much so that we’ve breached the 90% mark on our funding goal, meaning we’re only a few more pledges away from getting funded! With almost two more weeks to go, we are now gonna start revealing some of the exciting stretch goals we’ve got planned, so be sure to keep an eye on our Kickstarter page!

Until next time, stay safe and keep surviving.