We did it

We did it guys, Ascent of Ashes is officially funded, and with more than double our original goal! That means we’ll have all the resources we’ll need to make it the amazing game we know it can be.

I’d like to take this opportunity to give special thanks to all of you. Whether you backed us with a pledge, told your friends and family about us, or supported us with tips and hints on how we could make our campaign better. Without your help, this would’ve been impossible.

Now it’s gonna be our turn to make good on all that trust and support you have given us and make Ascent of Ashes the best game we can. We’ve been working overtime these last couple days getting those stretch goals out to you as you kept hitting them faster and faster, so we’ll need to take a bit of a breather. Once that’s done we’ll be starting headlong with development.
Live Q&A

To celebrate this achievement we’re planning to do a live Q&A session this Saturday over on our Discord where we’ll take your questions and answer them to the best of our ability. With all the new regulars it’s become a great hangout spot where friendly faces gather to talk and laugh together, so come give it a look if you haven’t already!
Social Media Challenge achieved
Many of you have been asking us about the social media challenges we have posted on our project page. After tallying the trailer views between YouTube and Kickstarter we have managed to just about hit our goal of 10.000, meaning the Animal Hats goal has been achieved. Thank you to all of our viewers and those who shared our trailer around, your support is what allowed so many people to find out about us.

The original intent of the challenge was to help promote community growth and general awareness about our project. We figured if we can get enough people to join the community, the value provided would make up for the development costs of the features attached.

While we didn’t make our original target of 1.000 Discord members, falling short by about 200, what surprised was was the immense level of dedication you guys brought to the community. Be it by helping out with moderation, answering questions for new members or even funding YouTube ads for our trailer out of your own initiative, your support for this project has been outstanding.

What you guys lack in quantity, you more than make up for in quality, which is why we have decided to consider the Discord challenge completed as well. That means the pet system will also make it into the game!
Backer Rewards
For those of you who have pledged on one of the ‘Design an x’ tiers or the Tactical Knight AMA tier, we will send out backer surveys soon to get your input on what you want your designs to be.

From your end you can provide us with as much (or as little) description as you want, from a one-sentence description to a fleshed out concept. We will take care of the rest for you and get your rewards ingame as soon as possible, so make sure you keep an eye on your inbox!
Wrapping up
That about does it for today. We hope that you will continue to accompany us throughout the rest of the development. More from us soon.
Until then, stay safe, and keep surviving.