Post-Kickstarter Backing

Hey guys,
it’s been a few months since our Kickstarter concluded and thanks to all the support you’ve provided us we’ve been able to work full-time and make great progress towards AoA’s first playable build. As our community continues to grow, more and more people find out about us every day.
Many of you who found out about us only after the Kickstarter have asked if it’s still possible to support us. While we were happy to hear from you, we couldn’t really offer any venues, since Kickstarter does not allow pledging after a campaign concludes and the Early Access release is still a ways off. That’s why we’re happy to announce our new reward store, where you can pledge your support directly and receive some of the cool backer rewards we had for our Kickstarter campaign!
Where does the money go?
During our Kickstarter, we aimed to be as transparent with our budgeting plans as possible. After all, if you support our development efforts, you deserve to know what happens with your contribution.
Fortunately, with our campaign having exceeded the original goal by more than double, we have more than enough funds to deliver on all the features we promised, as well as the numerous stretch goals we announced. But that doesn’t mean that’s all there is to it.
It is an unfortunate fact of game development that there are always more good ideas than budget, more cool features than manpower to implement them all. By pledging your support you allow us to bring a few more of those ideas to live. The funds you provide us go directly towards expanding the team, helping us add additional features and assets beyond our original stretch goals, and providing you a richer experience once we launch and you finally get to play Ascent of Ashes.
Backer AMA
On the subject of backing, those of you who pledged at the Tactical Knight AMA tier will be happy to hear that we’ve made good progress on the video over the course of December. You guys sent us some great questions, and with the script writing and voice recording done all that’s left is to create the actual animation.
Closing out
Finishing up, I’d like to once again thank you all for your outstanding support, whether you backed the original Kickstarter, you’re adding a pledge now, or you’re simply participating in our vibrant community. It’s thanks to you guys that we’re able to make this game a reality and we’re glad you’re joining us for this ride.
Until next time, stay safe and keep surviving.