Hey guys, As you recall, in our last update we talked about how our publisher went insolvent and we have to work around a reduced Early Access budget as a result. Today I’d like to go into more detail on what that means for the roadmap, what our plans are for the initial release and…
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Hey guys, With the new year it is time we give you another update on the game, where we are development-wise, and how things are set to go forward this year. On Budgets and Publishers As you may recall, shortly after our Kickstarter finished, we signed up with publisher Camlann Games to handle the marketing…
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Hey guys, It’s time for an update on the game, where it’s currently at and how we’re going to proceed from here. If you followed our previous posts you’ll know that after the issues we’ve had with Unity DOTS, we decided to switch engines in order to fix the instability and constant crashes DOTS was…
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Hey guys, it’s time for a new progress update. As you know, after our recent Unity issues we’ve made the decision to delay the Early Access release and port the game over to the Godot engine. Since then we’ve been hard at work migrating our codebase from ECS to OOP. Much of the initial workload…
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Hey guys, today we have some not very great, but nonetheless important news about our project. Over the last few months, we’ve been hard at work to create first a demo we can showcase to you guys, and then an Early Access release that may still be far from finished, but nonetheless enjoyable for you…
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Hey guys, We’re another month closer to our Early Access release, lets talk about the progress made since last time. I see you peeking As we mentioned in our previous update, we’ve started work on the line of sight and vision system for the game. This is a pretty major feature and as such it…
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Hey guys, its been a busy couple months for us since the demo release and I figure its time we give you an update on the current state of affairs. As you know, we released a first-glance demo to content creators to help grow the community and give people a first look at what AoA…
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Hey guys, Today we’re looking into the art of pointing a gun at people. Contrary to popular opinion, hitting someone with a projectile several hundred meters out is far more complicated than simply pointing a cross-hair at them. Spotting the Target It’s hard to hit what you can’t see. The first step is to spot…
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Hey guys. It’s time for another dev log. Usually I use these to give you an overview of the progress made over the last two weeks. This time I’d like to do something a bit different and take a deep dive into one aspect of the game in particular. One of our major goals for…
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Hey guys, it’s time for another dev update! As you recall, last time I mentioned that we were working on integrating the latest Unity update into our engine. That’s done and out of the way now. As part of the update we also decided to upgrade our human animation rig, since the Kickstarter revealed a…
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