Jan ’21 Progress Update

Jan ’21 Progress Update

The first month of 2021 is over and it’s time to talk about the progress we’ve made on AoA. First of all, we’ve expanded our development team with a new coder to pick up for me when my personal health situation presents issues. He’s already implemented a new see-through effect that will allow viewing and selecting your survivors whenever they’re obstructed by solid objects such as walls.

He’s since begun work on the save/load system, which will not only allow you to save your game but also ties into the parcel editor we have planned for our first Early Access release. AoA will feature a lot of urban structures and cityscapes. In order to provide both high quality and varied environments we’ll be using a hybrid system of handcrafted buildings and parcels, placed procedurally to create unique city blocks on every new expedition. The parcel editor we’ll be using to do this will be an integral part of the game and accessible to developers and players alike, allowing you to create your own parcels and share them with the community.

I’ve been busy myself with updating the game and its code to use the most recent libraries and streamlined several sections of code in the process. This has provided a base for the first implementation of the actual survivors with a basic AI and animation system now in place.

The goal over the next month will be to expand these survivors into full-fledged characters with needs and the means to fulfill them. That means harvesting, agriculture and construction. I’ll be posting continuous WIP updates throughout the process on our Discord as well as our new official Twitter account, so check those out if you haven’t already.

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