Roadmap to Early Access

Hey guys,
in our last post we announced that we secured funding for another year of development. Over the past couple weeks we’ve been busy working out how exactly that funding will be put to use, setting development goals, delivery timelines and feature scopes.
I understand that during that time a number of people have been wondering about what’s going on, and while we were working in the background it did bring up an issue concerning this blog: a lot of game dev work is important to the process, but not exactly very presentable. Spreadsheets and time estimates don’t make for exciting reading to players, while long communication pauses leave people excited for news hanging.
That’s why we’re launching our new roadmap, showing you exactly what we’re working on at the moment, and what’s needed before we hit the next big milestone. This way you’ll be able to keep up with what’s going, even when there’s nothing particularly “blog-worthy” at the moment. Of course when we do have something that makes for nice visuals or an interesting post we’ll still be releasing the usual screens and videos, and we have several things lined up for the next couple of weeks already.
You can find the new roadmap here:
Until next time, stay safe and keep surviving!